
Glad you're here to find out.


Here we go:


BLOCK20 is a fictitious idea of the present and future, organizes itself freely as well as decentralized and has the goal to finally close with used up social patterns.


The fiction emerged from a broad layer of earlier political and social tendencies, which have agreed on certain points, intersections and priorities in intensive disputes and clarifications.

These are as follows:


1. The socially reflected freedom, based on the preceding one self-determination, is the highest good.


2. the economy of the common good is the desired economic orientation.


3. nature conservation / connection with nature is the basis of life.


4. free thinking and free language.


5. intelligent combat readiness


6. further directions



BLOCK20 does not feel affiliated with any government, party or other political tendencies. It feels exclusively committed to its own goals and its community.





1.  The socially reflected freedom, based on the preceding one self-determination, is the highest good.


The pursuit of freedom must be seen in a social context. War, for example, is not an acceptable endeavour to achieve freedom, because it destroys social peace with other people and destroys their livelihoods. Self-determination is the central basic prerequisite of all existence.


2. public-interest economy:


Money and markets should serve people, not the other way around. Economic endeavours must be directed in such a way that they serve the community. Everyone should benefit.


3. nature conservation is the basis of life:


Nature, natural habitats are protected. Also by connecting people with them. We ourselves are nature and nature has a healing effect on us. Healthy natural spaces therefore also serve our health and must therefore be preserved, built up and connected with us.


4. free thinking and free speech:


Everything should be freely thought out and freely spoken. Mutual respect and recognition are desired. This is not to be seen in the choice of words and language clichés, but in the real personal contact with each other. Every free thought is required, because only in this way can relationships be grasped holistically, which is the basis of all meaningful action. Everyone has the responsibility and self-determination to check whether his statements are suitable.



5. intelligent combat readiness:


The naming BLOCK20 points out to understand itself as a unit which is ready, should preferred calm efforts not take effect, to defend or bring about the free social togetherness against destructive forces, also with other intelligent means and methods.


6. further orientation / further self-understanding:

Since 2020, we have been experiencing a clearly recognizable, noticeable and unmistakable change of times. All old patterns are long overdue and are currently breaking or have already broken. It's time to reorient and leave the old behind.

BLOCK20 does not accept outdated structures and old pigeonholing (e.g.: right / left).

BLOCK20 ends all old social patterns and rejects any form of them. Excluded from this are natural structures (e.g. family) that make up being human.
BLOCK20 stands up freely and independently for appropriate goals and foundations..


Artificial borders are generally rejected because they do not correspond to the natural process of ethnic and ethical structures and declare the natural landscape as a pure power construction and possession. In the course of the exploitation through inequality, the current borders are accepted to protect socially disadvantaged people of all countries until a targeted adjustment of the living conditions has been carried out. No human being (basically no living being) should, neither today nor in the future, be forced, coerced or pressured by circumstances to leave their living space.


The natural and cultural diversity is to be preserved, expanded or rebuilt. We want a colourful world worth living in, with many natural and cultural treasures and connections.

More info here.

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